Editor's Note
Welcome to the second year of Scribble and thank you so much for supporting this journal with your readership. All of the pieces in our issues thus far are near and dear to the editors, as are this latest crop of stories. In different ways, each of these wonderful pieces deals with some kind of loss, and we are confident you'll enjoy them as much as we do.
In Slum Flower's Not So Elegant Death, author R.E. Hengsterman tells the story of a battle-fatigued woman losing it all at a truck stop.
Charles Duffie's Waves melds an ill man's yesterday and today into a work of acceptance and gratitude.
In Grey, by John Higgins, a catastrophic accident leaves a man reeling.
And then there's Aidan Derrico's debut, All The Things You Could Be. This period piece beautifully tells the story of a young woman experiencing a life passage for which she isn't necessarily ready.
As always, thank you for reading.
Jae Worthy Johnson
R.E. Hengsterman is an award-winning writer and photographer. He lives in North Carolina with “the family” and occasionally wears pants. His work can be found at www.rehengsterman.com and the occasional tweet @robhengsterman.
Charles Duffie is a writer and designer working in the Los Angeles area. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Role Reboot, The Mas Tequila Review, Swimming with Elephants, Third Street Writers, Meat for Tea, and American Fiction by New Rivers Press.
John Higgins is an Irish writer living in Korea. His work has appeared in The Blue Nib.
Aidan Derrico earned a BA in English from Elizabethtown College in 2010. She divides her time between Philadelphia and Wilmington, Delaware. Reading and writing for as long as she's been able, this is her first creative publication.
Slum Flower's Not So Elegant Death
R.E. Hengsterman
Charles Duffie
John Higgins
Aidan Derrico