Scribble is an exciting online venue for exceptional flash and short fiction. Our eclectic journal is open to literary fiction and all fiction genres with a literary approach.We accept unsolicited submissions all year long and publish 3-5 short stories bi-monthly (every two months).
Jae Worthy Johnson
JAE WORTHY JOHNSON earned her Bachelor of Arts in writing at Cornell University and her Master of Arts in Library and Information Science at the State University at Albany, New York. A published short fiction writer, she loves literary fiction for its beauty of language and understated power.
Consulting Editor
STEPANIE KATZ earned her Bachelor's in Creative Writing at the University of Central Florida and her Master's in Library and Information Science at the University of South Florida. She is Editor-In-Chief of 805lit.org and has judged for the Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Literary Award. Her favorite literary form is the short story.
Tech Consultant
We accept unsolicited submissions of fiction all year round. All work must be previously unpublished. Reply time is 6-8 weeks.
We accept submissions from adults 18 and over.
We request fiction of 2,000 words or less.
Please, use Times New Roman and double space.
Word is preferable to PDF.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Please, withdraw upon acceptance elsewhere.
Please, include a short bio (third person) of no more than 40 words, in case of publication.
We request only one item per submitter, per month.
Please indicate if you have never been published before.
By submitting your work(s), you are agreeing to the outlined terms:
I, the undersigned author, confirm that the work(s) submitted to Scibble is original, of my composition, and as of this date unpublished in any format including book, journal, magazine, website, or social media.
I grant Scribble first world electronic rights to publish the work(s) online in a digital or audio format. I grant permission for the work(s) to remain indefinitely on Scribble's website, social media and any other digital archive Scribble might use.
I grant Scribble the right to use my work in promotional materials including but not limited to print and digital adds, bookmarks, posters, flyers, business cards, email blasts, etc.
I acknowledge that Scribble gives permission for the issue containing my work(s) to be freely distributed for educational purposes and printed by individuals.
I acknowledge that Scribble does not monetarily compensate contributors for their work(s). I agree to any and all editorial alterations and abridgments including, but not limited to, re-formatting, grammatical correction, and cropping.
I grant Scribble the non-exclusive anthology rights to my work(s) and understand that the work(s) might be selected for a Scribble print anthology and/or a Scribble audio anthology. I grant Scribble permission to nominate my work(s) for literary and arts prizes and awards, and I understand that such possible nominations may result in my work(s) being published by awards committees and organizations and thus subject to their publication requirements, which are not established within this agreement.
I agree that if my work(s) is published elsewhere after publication in Scribble, I will cite Scribble as the first publisher.
Copyright © 2020-2021 by Scribble, Bradenton, FL ISSN: 2640-1592