Editor's Note
Greetings and welcome to the latest issue of Scribble.
It's hard to believe we are approaching mid-2021. At the moment, it seems we occupy the pre-dawn space between loss and hope as we slog out of the COVID-19 pandemic. We aren't completley out of the swamp, but at the end of this year-long tunnel, there is light.
We hope you are faring well and that this fresh collection of shorts transports you to interesting places.
Susan Hettinger explores what happens when the extent of decay goes unseen, in Heart Rot.
Marc Littman's flash piece, Bump on the Noggin, manages to hand out a raft of warnings in a very small space.
In 52,486 BC, nascent tribes clash in Magho, by Steve Legomsky.
In I Hope You're Happy Now, by Michael Giddings, a guy yearns in Brooklyn.
Lastly, if you've ever wondered what became of The Zodiac Killer, Shrimp Night, by Phillip Sherrod offers one possibe answer.
Until Soon,
Jae Johnson
Marc Littman
Steve Legomsky
Michael Giddings
Phillip Sherrod
Susan Hettinger is a Wyoming native, former attorney and writer. Her essays and short stories have appeared in Fiction Factory, Please See Me, Reedsy, Seattle Magazine, The Olympian, Washington Law and Politics and Colors Northwest. She lives in Olympia, Washington.
Marc Littman's flash fiction has been widely published from 50-Word Stories to The Saturday Evening Post. He also writes novels and plays.
Steve Legomsky is a former mathematician, Washington University law professor, and Obama Administration official. He has published three scholarly books (Oxford University Press and West Academic); numerous academic articles (https://law.wustl.edu/faculty-staff-directory/profile/stephen-h-legomsky/); one novel, “The Picobe Dilemma”; and six short stories.
Michael Giddings is a writer, cartoonist, and musician from Brooklyn. His recent work can be found in HASH Journal, and is forthcoming in Pidgeonholes and Reservoir Road Literary Review. He is currently at work on a novel.
Twitter: @mikexgiddings
Phillip Sherrod is an emerging writer whose fiction and nonfiction have appeared in a handful of journals. He graduated from the University of Arkansas Little Rock and lives in the South.