Taylor Denton
Chelsea Cambeis
Peyton Fultz
It Aint Charity Puts Food on the Table
Kacie Prologo
Editor's Note
Toxic landscapes. Sometimes, we find ourselves traversing one. Or many. If we're smart or lucky, we find our way out, one way or another.
Wander through the stories in this edition of Scribble, but don't breathe the air.
Taylor Denton's, Eala!, is a sharp and cinematic tale that makes one wonder which is worse: the apocalypse or a forced companion.
Bloodstream, by Chelsea Cambeis, gives us two people who can't or won't let go of what ails them.
Another Man's Treasure, by Peyton Fultz, tells the story of a fascinating woman who finds a needful thing at the expense of another.
Finally, Kacie Prologo's folksy and fierce story, It Aint Charity Puts Food on the Table, introduces us to a group of townspeople who are literally being slowly eaten alive...by the town.
Enjoy, and, as always, thank you for reading.
Jae Worthy Johnson
Taylor Denton is a student living in Boulder, currently working to complete a degree in English. She was born in Springfield, Missouri. She now writes in college from the perspective of a student, working as often as she can to keep her voice active and evolving, while she continues to pursue her enthusiasm for writing.
Chelsea Cambeis spent four hard-working years as a mail carrier in West Virginia after earning her BA in English. Now, she’s the Vice President of the Oghma Book Group of Oghma Creative Media and Publisher of Arbroath Abbey, their nonfiction division.
Peyton Fultz was born and raised in the small town of Poolesville, Maryland. She is a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Peyton's concentration is typically in fiction; however, she also dabbles in poetry and nonfiction.
Kacie Prologo is an emerging writer and a student in the Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts Creative Writing program. Kacie's work has been featured in Calliope and has taken first place in the Echo Student Literary Competition.