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MEREDITH CRAIG is a writer living in Brooklyn. Her fiction has appeared in Variety Pack and is forthcoming in Rock Salt Journal and an anthology to be published by Run Amok Books. Additionally, her non-fiction travel pieces have appeared in Lonely Planet, Delta Sky, Vice, among others, and has written and produced for television. She is a reader for Uncharted Magazine.
AGATA ANTONOW is based in New Brunswick, Canada. Her most recent work is forthcoming in FOLD (Festival of Literary Diversity). In 2021, one of her short stories won first place in the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick Douglas Kyle Memorial Prize.
STEPHEN LOIACONI is a journalist and a graduate of George Mason University's MFA program. His fiction previously appeared in Griffel, True Chili, the Good Life Review, East by Northeast, River River, and the New Plains Review. He lives in Washington, DC with his wife and son.
Greetings! We hope you're having a great summer.
This collection of stories feature people who, for various reasons, long for the cover given by a lover, or darkness, or the ground, or water.
Enjoy, and thank you for reading!
Jae Worthy Johnson
TUSA SHEA lives in Victoria, B.C. Her previous publishing credits include non-fiction essays, articles, and reviews for academic journals and anthologies, such as The Malahat Review and Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. She has short fiction forthcoming in the spring issues of Carousel Literary Magazine and the Wilderness House Literary Review.
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